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Worried Dog Club
Welcome to Worried Dog Club
Trailer (1:04)
Welcome (17:49)
Why is my dog worried?
Predisposing and initiating factors (14:07)
Maintaining factors (3:24)
Guardian mindset
Mindset reflection (19:54)
The other end of the lead (7:22)
Creating habits
Set your baseline
Tracking progress
Stress levels
Reducing stress (9:01)
Management & control (6:57)
Complimentary therapies (3:20)
Psychopharmacology (3:58)
Canine Body Language
Take a deep dive
Confidence and Grounding
Enrichment (7:57)
Freework (10:19)
Pattern games (15:37)
Scentwork (7:17)
Foundation training
Charge your marker
This way
Find it
Hand touch
Relax (0:30)
Behaviour therapy
Systematic Desensitisation - distance control (10:55)
Changing associations (17:44)
Case studies
Martha (20:42)
Juno (4:38)
Rootsy (5:55)
What if my dog won't take food?
Should I muzzle train my dog?
Tell us what you think
Creating habits
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